Monday, January 7, 2019

The Start of My Adventure

Hi there!

I have been a travel agent/vacation planner/Disney FastPass Grabber Extraordinaire for a few months now, and I love it! My agency, Kingdom Destinations, is amazing. The people I work with are incredibly helpful, and I'm so thankful to have found them!

Now that I have a good bit of training completed and have a decent grasp on what in the world I'm doing, I want to have a space to share some stories about my travels, as well as tips, advice, and reviews on places I visit. Most of my expertise lies within Disney, but I will be sharing posts about other places and opportunities as well.

Coming up soon -- the benefits of using a travel agent and what all I can do to create your ideal vacation. I'll also explain how travel agents make money doing this. It's okay. I know you're curious.

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